hiding behind the literature stand in a litter strewn empty shop doorway.
is this what the witnessing has now dumbed down to ?
who's bringing reproach on jehovah's name now ?
hiding behind the literature stand in a litter strewn empty shop doorway.. .
is this what the witnessing has now dumbed down to ?.
who's bringing reproach on jehovah's name now ?.
hiding behind the literature stand in a litter strewn empty shop doorway.
is this what the witnessing has now dumbed down to ?
who's bringing reproach on jehovah's name now ?
so i knew quite a few co's but have lost contact as i moved abroad.. does anyone know where anton irons is now ... he was a great guy.
talked sense..
so i knew quite a few co's but have lost contact as i moved abroad.. does anyone know where anton irons is now ... he was a great guy.
talked sense..
hi super ted--heres a link to many UK members
just come home from a weight loss class early.
it's 6 months since i da'd and two and a half years since i've been to a meeting.
there was a witness there (unless she has left, i wouldn't know) we made eye contact!
just come home from a weight loss class early.
it's 6 months since i da'd and two and a half years since i've been to a meeting.
there was a witness there (unless she has left, i wouldn't know) we made eye contact!
just come home from a weight loss class early.
it's 6 months since i da'd and two and a half years since i've been to a meeting.
there was a witness there (unless she has left, i wouldn't know) we made eye contact!
peony-----the PM indicator is here under the search box---to the left of my avatar. it will be green if you have a message.
i've finally got round to joining the site (after over 2 years lurking!
i was born into jws, pioneered for 10 years (met my husband at pioneer school).
had health issues that saw me catapulted away from 'the centre of the cong' and wow what a different place that was!
hello Peony--welcome to the rest of your life ! i'm in the UK too--as my car reg shows.
heres a link to a list of lots of others in the uk:
just see it advertised on tv--with photo of our friend from south wales
well presented program-----apart from the church pews----but thats nit picking.
Well done to the 2 Karens